How to Make the "R" Sound

These four videos will show you how to make the "R" sound, or show you how to help your child learn to make the "R" sound.

Part I - This video teaches making the R sound at the end of words, such as car (or watch on youtube)

Part II - This video teaches making the R sound in the middle of words, such as cherry (or watch on youtube)

Part III - This video teaches making the R sound at the beginning of words, such as run (or watch on youtube)

Part IV - This video teaches making the UR sound in words, such as bird (or watch on youtube)


I wanted to thank you for the very helpful you tube "r" remediation videos. I am a speech and language pathologist and I showed your tutorial to one of my students and I felt like it just "clicked" for her after that!


Part I - R at the end of words

Part II - R in the middle of words

Part III - R at the beginning of words

Part IV - the UR sound

R in the CarA Practice CD for the R Sound:
R in the Car


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